15Ways to Pop the Question
15Ways to Pop the Question

1. Not sure what type of ring to purchase? Buy a piece of jewelry and have it inscribed with, "Will You Marry Me?"
2. Take her for a leisurely stroll in the mall. Pre-plan to stroll into a jewelry store. In front of the wedding ring counter get down on your knee and propose.
3. Take her to a sporting event and have the question placed on the screen.
4. Take her to her favorite restaurant. Pre-arrange to have the waiter set the ring on top of her dessert.
5. Give her a large box, fill the box with lots and lots of puffs of tissue, and have the ring box wrapped up and tapped to the bottom.
6. Take her on a romantic picnic, secure the ring inside the basket for her to find.
7. If you are sure she'll be listening, call her favorite radio station and propose to her on the air.
8. Propose during a romantic vacation.
9. Buy a billboard ad on the highway.
10. Buy her a romantic book, cut a small hole within the pages. Place the ring in the book and present the book to her as a gift.
11. Tie a gold bow on the ring and when she's not looking, drop it in her glass of Champagne.
12. Place glow-in-the-dark stickers on your bedroom ceiling spelling out "Will you Marry Me."
13. Place an ad in the site she frequents the most online. Include a photo of the two of you next to your proposal.
14. As part of her birthday celebration, bring her a birthday cake with the ring assembled on the top.
15. Or do it the way men have been doing it for years, buy her a beautiful diamond ring, get down on your knee and pop the question...
Good Luck !

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Janet Lynn Arango
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